Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Phony" and "Stormy Weather"

I don't generally have trouble with my cell phone, but every now and then I get a voicemail message from the past. Sometimes weeks after the fact. I guess there is the occasional rip in the cell phone time space continuum.

Stormy Weather
If you happened to be in Lawrence, Kansas on March 12th, you would have found a town in complete ruin. Okay, well not a complete ruin, but there was some pretty bad damage to the city, due to, what was later confirmed as a micro burst. I'm just going to call it a tornado. The cost due to the storm is estimated at around $6,000,000. Many homes were with out power for more than 2 days, actually a small number of homes are still without power. 60% of the University of Kansas campus was with out power and classes were cancelled March 13th. It was the first time in history that classes were canceled because of something other than snow.


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